Our team
SCH-EKONOM presents more than 30 years of experience
The SCH-EKONOM company was founded by the parents of the current owners, i.e. the siblings František and Petra, in 1990. For the first years, we therefore operated in a purely domestic environment. Working meetings with clients took place in the kitchen over tea and cake, where plans for the future were also discussed and all accounting documents were handed over.
We created the first accounting program ourselves
At the same time, the son František was still studying and, since his field of study was computer science, he tried to program the first accounting program to calculate wages and taxes in order to facilitate the work of his parents. And so, thanks to František, we started digitizing already in 1991.
Among the TOP 20 tax offices
During her studies, daughter Petra also joined in with innovative ideas, having a significant share in building a modern tax office, which is among the TOP 20 accounting firms in the Czech Republic. Petry's knowledge of German was also reflected in an important connection with the border region.

SCH-EKONOM at present
Tax and accounting office SCH-EKONOM, s.r.o. has continued since 1996 the activities of the founder Marie Schneiderová. Although we have never abandoned the family concept, we currently employ more than 30 permanent employees, process accounting and prepare tax returns for more than 180 tax entities from the Czech Republic and Germany.
SCH-EKONOM is at home in Cheb
Cheb and our entire region is close to the heart of SCH-EKONOM. That is why we are a partner not only for local entrepreneurs looking for years of proven accounting services and tax advice, but also for the city of Cheb itself and other local entities. We don't forget the "neighbors" with whom we establish numerous relationships. After all, we are a member of the German Tax Chamber in Nuremberg.
We are a socially responsible company. In Cheb, we help organize many events such as the Aviation Day or the Valdštejnská desítka run. It is newly involved in supporting the teaching of German, because we know from our own experience that knowing the language of our neighbors breaks down cultural barriers and brings our regions together regardless of borders.
Who will you meet...

Zlatuše Čtvrtečková
Tax adviser
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 823
Email: ctvrteckova@schekonom.cz

Jitka Váchová
German taxes
Tel.: +420 354 433 005; +420 351 011 820
Mob.: +420 605 158 556
Email: vachova@schekonom.cz

Klaudie Šulcová
Head of tax office operations
Tel.: +420 354 433 005; +420 351 011 836
Mob.: +420 731 037 177
Email: klaudie.sulcova@schekonom.cz

Jaroslava Seitzová
Senior payroll accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005; +420 351 011 837
Mobil: +420 703 146 229
Email: seitzova@schekonom.cz

Linda Henzlová
Junior payroll accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005; +420 351 011 828
Mobil: +420 703 146 231
Email: henzlova@schekonom.cz

Natálie Lencová
Junior payroll accountant
Tel.: +420 351 011 829
Email: natalie.lencova@schekonom.cz

Linda Kuklová
Assistant to the CEO
Tel.: +420 351 011 887
Mob.: +420 731 037 123
Email: linda.kuklova@schekonom.cz

Otto Zeitler
Client Relationship Manager for Germany
Tel.: +420 351 011 050
Mob.: +49 9632 92312 15
Email: otto.zeitler@schekonom.cz

Petra Poupová
Tax adviser
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 821
Email: poupova@schekonom.cz

František Schneider
Controller and consultant of companies
Tel.: +420 354 433 005

Monika Zemanová
Tax adviser
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 827
Email: zemanova@schekonom.cz

Jitka Karafiátová
Head of payroll department
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Mob.: +420 703 146 224
Email: karafiatova@schekonom.cz

Lenka Keslová
Head of Accounting Department
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 830
Email: keslova@schekonom.cz

Martina Burešová
Head of Accounting Department
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Mob.: +420 733 669 700
Email: buresova@schekonom.cz

Alexandra Hrušková
Senior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Mob.: +420 733 125 586
Email: hruskova@schekonom.cz

Alice Skokanová
Senior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005; +420 351 011 832
Mob.: +420 703 146 223
Email: skokanova@schekonom.cz

Dana Brožová
Senior Payroll accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Mob.: +420 605 196 369
Email: dana.brozova@schekonom.cz

Ivana Burešová
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 885
Email: ivana.buresova@schekonom.cz

Jana Mouhafidi
Junior payroll accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 829
Email: mouhafidij@schekonom.cz

Petr Salajka
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 354 011 884
Email: petr.salajka@schekonom.cz

Natálie Petráková
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 824
Email: petrakovan@schekonom.cz

Nikola Vávrová
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 888
Email: nikola.vavrova@schekonom.cz

Tereza Turnerová
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 886

Michaela Kováříková
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 831

Karolína Filipová
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 351 011 839

Kateřina Křížová
Junior accountant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 881

Klára Pechrová
German office assistant
Tel.: +420 354 433 838
Mob.: +420 733 125 587
Email: pechrovak@schekonom.cz

Pavlína Prokopcová
Tax advisor assistant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Mob.: +420 604 192 611
Email: prokopcovap@schekonom.cz

Regina Altmanová
Invoicer / Tax office assistant
Tel.: +420 354 433 005
Tel.: +420 351 011 825
Email: altmanova@schekonom.cz

Jana Baumannová
Receptionist / Tax office assistant
Tel.: +420 351 011 050
Email: jana.baumannova@schekonom.cz